Did you know that over half of the patients who visit us here at the dental office of Dr. Ernie Soto for cosmetic dentistry are between the ages of 41 and 60? That doesn’t mean, however, that cosmetic dentistry is just for people within that age group; in fact, it is for the young and old alike.
To prove to you that age is just a number, here are the procedures that we offer at the office of Dr. Ernie Soto for the young, the old, and everyone else in between. Let’s have a look.
Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Children and Teens
You might think cosmetic dentistry is for adults only, but it can help children and teens as well.
The following procedures are less invasive, and although they are mainly categorized as cosmetic, they also help with the development of children’s teeth and facial structure.
· Pediatric Dental Crowns
Pediatric dental crowns may be used on baby teeth that have been severely damaged by decay that they can no longer sustain fillings They can also be used to protect teeth from the onset of decay—which is typical among children who have difficulty maintaining daily oral hygiene.
· Dental Braces
Treatment using dental braces typically starts when children have lost most of their baby teeth, and when a majority of their permanent teeth have already grown in. This occurs usually between the ages of 8 and 14.
Dental braces are useful not only for teeth realignment but also for preventing gum disease. With appropriate positioning of the teeth comes the ease of brushing and flossing them and the gums properly.
At the dental office of Dr. Ernie Soto, we offer “invisible braces” (Invisalign), which allow you to achieve a beautiful smile without the discomforts, food restrictions, and “metal mouth look” of traditional braces.
Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Adults
According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, an astonishing 99.7 percent of adults consider their smile as their important social asset, with 74 percent of them believing that an unsightly smile can impede career success.
It is for that very reason that we offer the following cosmetic dentistry treatment options.
· Teeth Whitening
One of the most common and most widely preferred procedures for adults is teeth whitening. Many foods, drinks, and other substances—such as coffee and tobacco—tend to leave stains on the teeth that brushing alone can’t remove.
Teeth whitening involves bleaching to effectively whiten your teeth.
· Dental Braces
Who says dental braces are for children and teens only? Our Invisalign braces have also become popular among our adult patients who want to fix their teeth quickly and discreetly.
Dental braces change the way your teeth and your jaw fit together, promoting a better harmony throughout the lower half of you face and giving you a natural, symmetrical look.
· Dental Veneers
Dental veneers refer to thin porcelain shells attached to the front surface of your teeth. They are used to hide chipped, crooked, or even stained teeth.
Dental veneers have grown popular for their natural-looking effect. They are easily placed over the damaged area through the use of dental adhesive. Some dental veneers are also removable.
· Dental Implants
The older you get, the more vulnerable you are to permanent tooth loss. Whatever the cause, having a missing tooth can be a real confidence breaker.
Dental implants are tailored to replace missing teeth and are surgically placed in your jawbone. They are made to last for a long time and mimic the natural luster, smoothness, and color of your natural tooth.
Depending on your unique circumstances, your dental implant procedure may be more complex compared to what other people have experienced. To help you stay calm and relaxed throughout the procedure, Dr. Soto offers the option to administer IV sedation—allowing you to enjoy your implants without any memory of pain or discomfort.
Cosmetic Dentistry in Plantation, FL
At the dental office of Dr. Ernie Soto, we believe that you’re never too old to look and feel your best. Dr. Ernie Soto specializes in both preventive and cosmetic dentistry and has helped dozens of our patients achieve a dazzling, beautiful smile. You can trust him to help you achieve that as well!
To arrange a consultation with Dr. Soto, contact our office at (954) 368-6264, or you may schedule an appointment online. We look forward to providing with the best in cosmetic dentistry!
MON - THU9:00 am - 5:00 pm
FRI9:00 am - 1:00 pm
SAT - SUNClosed
Address: 10187 Cleary Blvd STE 103, Plantation, FL 33324
Email: jenn@drerniesoto.com
Phone: (954) 368-6264